Our Wellness Partners

Our Wellness Partners

Why Does It Matter?

Since starting our healthcare career over 30 years ago, I have come in contact with THOUSANDS of health and wellness service and product suppliers.  It has become apparent that some companies are there to help the clinician and the patient while other companies are primarily looking out for their bottome line.

It’s important to us that we partner with companies that have the highest quality products and services as well as a focus on “Client-First” focus and this is how we’ve chosen who to work with.

There are several components to a health and wellness program and we’ve found that it is most beneficial if we work with companies who provide laboratory support and nutritional suppot and since both of those components are available froma number of sources, we’ve found that only a handful of companies truly fit the bill for what we’ve been searching for.

At this time, we’ve been utilizing Evexia Diagnostics to run our primary baseline lab tests and have found that the accuracy and speed of the findings has helped us create a state of the art protocol that addresses many health issues that the standard lab reporting would not only ignore but may miss altogether.  This has allowed us to create a well-rounded base evaluation that is cost effective for both our offices and our clients as well.  

Want to know how we can help you?

Where Do Your Protocols Come From?

During our 30 years of healthcare experience, we’ve created testing protocols that look at the body as a whole, instead of just looking at the areas of complaint that most health care providers look for.  Due to the inclusive nature of the testing, it can become rather extensive and since that requires a comprehensive testing protocol, the cost of the testing can run in the thousands of dollars.  Before teaming with our laboratory partners, we found that one of our base testing protocols that reviews over 72 biomarkers has been priced at over $6500 by the major medical insurance carriers.  Yet, due to the nature of our relationship with our laboratory partners, we’ve been able to reduce the cost to under $300 for the same biomarkers as the more expensive insurance lab fee.  This not only saves money but allows us to get a complete assey of a person’s current health status and created a protocol that addresses their unique and specific health needs.  This would not be available if every patient had thousands of dollars of testing required before these protocols could be utilized.

What Have I Been Doing Wrong?

Most people seek out health and wellness providers to address one or two primary issues, and while this can be helpful in getting some of your current symptoms under control, it can lead to other issues that could be missed and may cause more issues down the road.  We know our clients have felt the frustration of working on one area of their health, only to have other health issues become more prevelant and then they have to continue “symptom-chasing” instead of truly working on getting control of their health.  We see this when our clients go to other practitioners and are given a handful of testing and supplements, only to go back the next visit and be told there is more testing and different supplements that are now needed for their case.  We want to avoid the rollar coaster of symptom chasing from the very start and work on a comprehensive program that puts you on the path to a healthier and happier life for the LONG-TERM.  This is another reason for our choice of neutracetical providers for our clients. 

Choosing A Premeire Neutraceutical

Since there are thousands of nutritional supplements and hundreds of nutritional providers, we have teamed with a physician based neutraceutical company that focuses on supplements that complement the person as a whole, and not just address one area of a persons health.  Since everyone has access to a computer and the internet, you can search a specific health syptome and find a number of supplements that claim to address that complaint.  If you treat your health like this, you will end up with hunderds of supplements, all addressing different issues and there is no telling how each of those supplements may benefit or even harm you.  This is a frustrating and expensive way to look at supplements for your health goals.

We approach this a different way.  We find the core underlying issues that are currenlty plaguing your health and recovery and focus on supplements that address the body as a whole and give it the support it needs to heal for the long term.  This is a much more direct and cost effective way to utilized supplements.

Why Not Amazon?

Since it’s important to understand what nutritionals are supposed to be doing, it’s important to understant where your supplements are coming from.  Although online supplements can be a fiscal “win”, often times you can not be certain of the quality you may be receiving.  Since the neutraceticals we recommend for our clients are exclusively available from doctors, you know you are getting a high quality product.  You cannot find these supplements online, and when you do search for them, you must have a provider code to be able to purchase them, So you are getting the highest quality and most effective supplements we have found to be available.  This is all because of the partnerships we’ve developed are are able to pass those relationships to you, our client.  

What our clients say

Why Choose Us

More than 30 years of experience.

Over 3500 clients seen

Specific, tailored wellness programs

 Scientific Subtype Solution Protocal

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